item chou tank


Items like the Thunder Belt, Warrior Bots, Oracle, Brute Force Breastplate, Immortality, and Athena's Shield are items that go hand-in-hand for a durable Chou build in MLBB. Roaming. This...

2. Rapid Boots. Dok.Pribadi/Sumahir Hidayanto. Item pertama yang wajib dibeli oleh Chou Tank adalah Movement yaitu Rapid Boots, tetapi sebelum membeli Rapid Boots kamu harus beli item Roam level pertama dulu ya yaitu ( Wooden Mask) agar hero core yang kamu temani cepat kaya. Kenapa harus menggunakan Rapid Boots?

1. Warrior Boots. Warrior boots adalah item untuk menambah physical defense dan akan membuat Chou lebih keras. 2. Antique Cuirass. Antique cuirass adalah item untuk menambahkan physical defense yang cukup banyak, dan akan lebih bisa menahan semua damage physical musuh. 3. Athena Shield.

hallo brader, ini cara item chou untuk build tank yaaa, semoga membantu!!:) cek juga video lainnya dibawah sini:ITEM CHOU ASSASIN:

Chou item Build. Firstly: Warrior Boots. Warrior Boots. +22 Armor. Unique: +40 Movement Speed. Unique Passive - Valor: Physical defense will go up 5 with each basic attack received, for an increase of up to 25 points, lasting 3s. Then: Athenas Shield. Athenas Shield. +900 HP. +56 Magic Resistance. +20 HP Regen.

Warrior Boots. Atribut: +40 Kecepatan Gerakan. +22 Pertahanan Fisik. Item ini bisa kamu beli jika lawan memiliki hero dengan output physical damage. Sepatu ini akan sangat membantu kamu terutama di early game karena bisa mengurangi physical damage yang dikeluarkan oleh hero lawan.

chou gameplay pro player chou best one hit build tank 2023 chou top 1 global build chou tersakit 2023 item chou paling sakit 2023.Super Annoying Tank Chou MV...

Tank Chou. Chou Gameplay Tips. Conclusion. Mobile Legends Chou Guide 2023 | Chou Best Build and Emblem. Chou is a hero within the game with the common four skill sets of one passive and three actives. Chou's basic attack deals 180% damage and slows down the enemy by 80%. But that's not it.

4 Fighting Strategy. Chou Overview. Chou is the famed kung-fu fighter hero who is known for his iconic flying barrage kick. His skill set is composed of buff, dash, AoE and crowd control. Enemies try to keep their distance from him to avoid getting caught by his powerful target lock combo. Global Top 1 Chou- 89.1% Win Rate.

As for tank Chou's best build, Xorn states that common tank items such as Antique Cuirass and Athena's Shield are a must if you want to survive the longest in battles. In certain situations however, Xorn recommends building a War Axe as an offensive option.

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